congressional legislation

英 [kənˈɡreʃənl ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn] 美 [kənˈɡreʃənl ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn]




  1. He defended his early-August deadline for congressional passage of the legislation, even though it is almost sure to slip.
  2. Congressional leaders say there is no hard timetable for completing the legislation, insisting that it is more important to do the job right than to do it fast.
  3. Final congressional approval of the legislation would clear the way for a difficult final round of talks on the details of the trade agreement, which would remove trade barriers from Canada and Chile to Australia, Singapore and Japan.
  4. We wouldn't seek congressional legislation in any comprehensive agreement for years, one senior official said.
  5. But congressional staff said the U-turn did not signal victory in the broader fight against inversions and vowed that work would continue on legislation to curb them.
  6. In addition, an explicit numerical inflation objective by the Federal Reserve would be adopted only if it was consistent with the dual mandate specified by past congressional legislation of both price stability and stability of economic activity.
  7. They should match the action I've taken, repeal the congressional ban, and pass legislation to facilitate responsible offshore exploration.
  8. The library of Congress has an extensive congressional legislation system you can use to look up bills.
  9. In the US, the Congressional Budget Office estimates how much each piece of putative legislation will alter the budget deficit over the following decade.
  10. Detailed negotiations have been under way with congressional leaders for the past few days, with a view to legislation being ready for Mr Obama to sign soon after taking office on January 20.
  11. This program has made progress in achieving the Congressional goals of legislation.
  12. The court in Missouri v.holland held, however, that even if congress's power under the commerce clause did not extend to the subject of migratory birds, a treaty on the subject was still a proper basis for congressional legislation on the subject.
  13. Congressional legislation, passed to implement provisions of the basic law, or to adapt it to changing conditions, also broadens and, in subtle ways, changes the meaning of the Constitution.
  14. The panel was the first Congressional committee to approve the health legislation.
  15. Specially, Congressional legislative power and financial power is the base of legislation and finance.
  16. Committee system provides information and resource for Congressional legislation concerning illegal immigrants.
  17. Chapter three discusses the bureaucratic group and the congressional entrustment of legislation.